Interesting Facts of Premium beef found in Australia

With the increase in the demand for healthier and premium beef, the beef market is exploding in Australia. All desire beef which is free from antibiotics, growth hormones and any other artificially added chemicals. At the retail level like in many restaurants, popularity of organic beef has increased with many dishes being served with optimum quality beef.

So, now exactly what is this ‘Natural Beef’ all about? Well, the shortest and simplest answer would be the beef which is raised without the help of any antibiotics or growth hormones etc.

To explain you better about the quality of beef in Australia, let’s discuss about the beef industry in Australia

With the arrival of the First Fleet in the year 1788, the beef industry of Australia started. From South Africa, first purchase was made of the herd of 2 bulls and 6 cows which were shipped to Australia from London. Since then, the Australian beef industry has come a long way to become one of the largest in the world.

Key facts on the Australian Beef Industry:

  • There are around 27 million cattle in Australia.
  • Over $16 billion is pumped into the country’s economy every year by the beef industry of Australia.
  • Over 172,000 people are employed in this industry.
  • Each territory and state of Australia produces cattle.
  • The two most famous breeds o f Australia are Poll Hereford (Southern Australia) and Brahman (Northern Australia). There are around 40 breeds of cattle being raised in Australia.

At, Kingsleys Steak & Crabhouse, you will find 100% organic and premium beef served in sumptuous dishes.